As the year progresses, we see
more and more of the 80's style.
The long shirts with the belts...
the shoes...and most of all, the
skinny jeans and oh yeah, let's
not forget the tights. But there
is one fashion item that I, myself
did not think would ever come
back in style...and that is...the
leggings. That's right ladies, the
leggings are back and this time
they're hotter than ever. I'll let
you in on a little to
really sport the leggings and make
them look sexy and fashionable.
Let's get started!
First and foremost, you have to

remember to keep the 80's fashion
to a minimum. So if you're going to
wear one 80's item...keep it at one
please. Let's start off with that cute
little dress. A funky, flouncy dress
can be worn with a dark pair of
leggings which will look like you're
actually wearing tights. This look
is totally hot right now, so don't be
scared to try it out!
Want a comfier look? Why not
try a really cute sweater with
your leggings and some knee-high
boots? Not only will this look
complement the season, that is fall,
but it will also make you look fabulous,
Now I know this is going to sound
crazy...but you can ever wear leggings
on a date. No joke. Pair them up with a
sexy silky cami and a pair of knee-high
high-heel black boots and you're ready
to go. And no, you will not look ridiculous,
trust me.
So you can pretty much pair up the
leggings with anything you want from
pretty dresses, to sexy tops, to sweaters,
button-up shirts, etc. Leggings can be fun
and they are very versatile. So make
sure you run out and grab a pair. If
leggings don't look good on you though,
just skip the whole thing. In the end, it's
all about how the clothes fit you, not if
they're in style or not!