At Home Spa Recipe

As we wait for the
long, cold winter to
pass by, there isn't
much we can do.
Post holiday
financial stress
along with the cold, dark
weather can put a damper
on anyone's day.
But one in a while
it's good to treat yourself
to a relaxing, at home
spa treatment. This apple
cucumber facial is the perfect
relaxation after a hard day.
You will need the following:
1/2 cucumber, peeled
1 egg white
1/2 lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon lime juice
1/2 teaspoon apple mint leaves
1 drop lime oil
Combine all the ingredients
and mix in the blender until
smooth. Add the lime oil to
the mixture and stir well.
Let refrigerate for 10 minutes.
Apply the mixture to
your face and neck (make
sure it's free of any makeup).
Let the mask sit for about 20
minutes, then rinse off with
warm water.
It's easy, fast, cheap,
and most of all very relaxing.
Not to mention, your face
will feel extremely smooth
and will look radiant!
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