Plump Up Your Brows

You know when you're all
ready to go out and you smear
on a little bit of lipgloss, but
then you noticed some loose
brow hairs? I'm sure this has
happened to every girl before.
But the most annoying thing is
that because you're in such a rush,
you might pluck a little too much.
Unfortunately, small, thin
brows aren't that in anymore. Now
you need to figure out ways to plump
up your brows. Think of it as
putting the volume back in your hair.
It goes the same for your brows.
So what exactly do you do when you
overpluck? You plump up your brows
by using brow wax. All the stars use it
and it does wonders! It's like hair wax,
so it makes your brows appear thicker
while smoothing them.
If you want those perfect plumped up
brows make sure you grab some brow wax.
Try Anastasia Brow Pomade which is
only $25.
Technorati Tags: plump, eyebrows, pluck, brows
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