New Boots for Fall

I know that it’s still summer…well, middle of July to
be more precise, but we still have to think about what
is going to be hot this fall. Just like last fall, boots still
haven’t left the fashion scene. They are still hot and
very sexy, so make sure you go out and buy a couple of pairs.
Although last fall’s boots were high-heeled or platforms,
this fall, flat boots are making their way through. Knee-high
leather boots in skin-colour of black will look absolutely fabulous
over your jeans or with a cute mini-skirt. For ultra-comfort,
make sure you snag a pair of flat boots and you’ll look sizzling
hot. The trend this fall: boots that zip up at the front.
Believe it or not, the sweater-boots are making a comeback!
Wear these with anything you like (just no fancy dresses please).
If you’re looking to buy a pair in blue, black, or white make
sure you pair that with a jean mini-skirt and a sweater that is
the same colour as the boots.
Next up, we have the again flat boots (1inch heels) and a
narrow toe box. They include leather uppers, side goring, and
silver buckles ideal for what else but mini-skirts of course.
Last but not least, we have the tapestry boots. I know what you’re
thinking…complete and utter disaster! But paired with the right outfit,
these boots can look super hot! They usually have 3 inch heels and
most of the time they are ankle-boots which are ideal for jeans.

Technorati tags: leather boots ankle knee fall heels
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