European Style Tips

The latest European style tips and fashion trends !

Monday, May 01, 2006

Stay Sun Safe!

Summer is fast approaching and we all want nice,
tanned bodies. But before you jump into your
bathing suit and sit out in the sun, think about
the consequences.

Sure, you'll have a tanned body all summer, and
next summer you will be fine too, but what about in
10-15 years? You'll look like a dried up
tomato! Your skin will be dry and wrinkly, but hey
it's ok because you'll have dark skin. It is not worth
ruining your skin for the rest of your life just to look

Not only that, but the sun is extremely dangerous
and melanoma (skin cancer) is the number one cause of cancer
in the world. If found in its early stage, it can be preventable.
But, if it's too late, you might not be so lucky.
If you have dark spots all over your body, you might
want to get checked out!

So, to prevent all of this, make sure you wear sunscreen!
Even if you're wearing a see-through skirt on the beach or
any kind of thin fabric, the UVA and UVB rays can still get through.
Make sure you also slather up some sunscreen on your face,
because that cover-up won't do much.

So now what? Use self-tanners! If you're really desperate for a
tan splurge on an expensive self-tanner. The best one
that I have used it Estee Lauder Sunless. It is amazing.
No streaks, and no orange glow whatsoever! Make sure to
exfoliate before using!

Stay tuned tomorrow! :)


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