wanna become European?

Well maybe I can't help you BECOME European, but I can give you some good tips on how to LOOK European. First off, you have to completely forget all about the fashion here in North America. Ok, maybe not all of it, but a big chunk for sure! First, think about how tall/short you are. If you're short, never...ever under any circumstances (unless of course you're going to the gym) wear running shoes. Always wear high-heels. It doesn't even matter what kind! Some cute platforms, stilettos and of course, boots.
Second, always remember that an European girl will always accessorise: there is no such thing as a pair of washed-out jeans with a plain white tank-top and running shoes. Make your outfit fun! Put on a sparkly belt, some nice earrings, but just make sure you do something!
Third (some people are going to criticise me for this) but it's the plain truth! Almost all European women smoke. And, believe it or not, it is a turn-on for most men when they see an attractive woman smoking on a cigarette. Now, unless you don't smoke already, leave the third point out :)
Last, but not least, have some attitude. European girls have lots of attitude, and most time they are so-called "bitches". Don't be mean, but don't be a pushover either. If you're too nice, people will just go on and walk right over you!
Stay tuned for more tips on European fashion!
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