
Along with healthy and clear skin, comes
everything else such as signs of aging,
diseases, and overall health. Antioxidants
are crucial to your well-being because they
rid the body of toxins. Therefore, they help
you rid the body of free radicals, slow down
the aging process, boost your immune system,
and protect you against cancer and heart
disease. I think I can say safely that anyone
would want to respect this rule as it might
save your life.
Most people don’t like healthy foods…but you
should know that they can be life savers.
If not for your silhouette, at least for your
health! A diet high in antioxidants protects
against the damaging effects of toxins. In a
recent study, it was shown that one population
who upped their diet to fruits and veggies,
reduced the risk of developing chronic bronchitis.
It is important to eat green vegetables as they
are prime in this diet. They contain a large
amount of potent phytochemicals, such as
lutein and indoles, which are thought to have
great antioxidants and health-promoting
benefits. Usually, the word antioxidant is
associated with the colour green…and that’s
why we call our vegetables, greens! Now let’s
see if you’re a green lover, or a green hater.
If you like green: You seek balance and harmony.
You are kind and generous and your perception
and awareness in relationships are good. People
who like green are great joiners of clubs and
organizations. You are very meticulous when
it comes to detail. The downside is that you
dislike sudden surprises, so you may be less
inclined to try something new. You have a big
appetite for food and gossip. If green is your
favourite colour, why don’t you experiment
with your eye shadows and eyeliners to combine
soft, subtle shades of mint and earthy tones
around your eyes.
If you dislike green: You tend to be resistant
to the established way of seeing or doing things.
You pull away from people, rather than join them.
You tend to follow your own path.
Technorati tags: antioxidant toxines vegetables green food
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