How to Create Sexy Wavy Hair
In order to get that hot beach babe look,
you first have to start with your hair.
Your hair can make you or break you.
Well all know that.
So how can you get your hair to its fullest
potential this summer? Make your mane
the sexiest, and waviest at the beach this
summer. You'll be sure to score lots of points with
this smart pointer!
Before you hit the beach this summer, soak up
your hair in your own back yard. How to: squeeze
lemon juice equally through towel-dried hair and let it
dry in the sun. The sun will bring your hair's natural
highlights so that it looks as if you've been hitting the
beach for the past 8 months.
Wash your hair with a volumizing shampoo and
follow up with a deep conditioner. Towel dry your
hair and apply a volumizing mousse. I like Got2B
Full of Yourself Get 2 Mousse. Run just a small amount
through your strands. This will insure that each strand
gets some boost. You are now one step closer
to your sexy wavy hair!
Take out your blowdrier and apply a nozzle at the end.
You can use it whenever you feel like adding some volume
to your hair. Blow dry your hair upside down all the while
scrunching your hair with your fingers. To get that sexy
wavy hair, blowdry your hair only about 60% of the way.
Spritz a anti-frizz serum to your hair and let your hair
air dry completely. After your hair has dried,separate
your hair into one, or two inch sections. Get out
your curling iron and curl those sections. Be sure to only
curl about halfway up to your hair so you don't end up looking
like a poodle.
After that, separate your curls with your fingers, or just
simply shake your hair to get super volume. Finish off
by spraying an aerosol hairspray such as Thermasilk .
You now have sexy wavy hair all set for your sexiest summer!
Technorati tags: sexy wavy hair shampoo conditioner volume
you first have to start with your hair.
Your hair can make you or break you.
Well all know that.
So how can you get your hair to its fullest
potential this summer? Make your mane
the sexiest, and waviest at the beach this
summer. You'll be sure to score lots of points with
this smart pointer!
Before you hit the beach this summer, soak up
your hair in your own back yard. How to: squeeze
lemon juice equally through towel-dried hair and let it
dry in the sun. The sun will bring your hair's natural
highlights so that it looks as if you've been hitting the
beach for the past 8 months.
Wash your hair with a volumizing shampoo and
follow up with a deep conditioner. Towel dry your
hair and apply a volumizing mousse. I like Got2B
Full of Yourself Get 2 Mousse. Run just a small amount
through your strands. This will insure that each strand
gets some boost. You are now one step closer
to your sexy wavy hair!
Take out your blowdrier and apply a nozzle at the end.
You can use it whenever you feel like adding some volume
to your hair. Blow dry your hair upside down all the while
scrunching your hair with your fingers. To get that sexy
wavy hair, blowdry your hair only about 60% of the way.
Spritz a anti-frizz serum to your hair and let your hair
air dry completely. After your hair has dried,separate
your hair into one, or two inch sections. Get out
your curling iron and curl those sections. Be sure to only
curl about halfway up to your hair so you don't end up looking
like a poodle.
After that, separate your curls with your fingers, or just
simply shake your hair to get super volume. Finish off
by spraying an aerosol hairspray such as Thermasilk .
You now have sexy wavy hair all set for your sexiest summer!
Technorati tags: sexy wavy hair shampoo conditioner volume
At 3:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
does this really work ? or is this a fake ?
i ahve really curly ahir and i want a realy wave.
do you have anyother tips like for straightening hair?
At 9:50 AM,
Alex S. said…
If you have really curly hair, the only way to get wavy hair is to start off by straightening your hair with a ceramic straightener. After you have done that, separate your hair into two-inch sections. Mist each section with an aerosol hair spray and curl about halfway. Hold for about 10 seconds and let go. Do this for your entire head, and when you have finished separate the curls with your fingers and apply hair spray.
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